Well, I can finally post a few pictures of "Her Awakening",
my latest mixed media fiber art.
I used a lot of rust media that my husband and I rust dyed.
All of our pieces have this wonderful depth of color, don't they?
My husband is the one that does the good job there...
I'm much too, ummm, well,
let's just say that he is much more organized and methodical for that job.
Be sure to check out my Etsy shop for some great
I'll be adding Rust Media packs soon...just keep checking.
Or, better still, email me and ask about them!
Lots of yummy rust fibers such as vintage lace, kimwipes,
tyvek, drawer liners, fabric, sheers...
lots of really cool items that we have rusted.
And at a very economical price!
Here she is, with some close ups.

I drew the face on rust dyed Kimwipes,
which are low lint wipes used in industry.
They are so durable and strong...
we dyed them (in a wet environment), machine washed
and dried them in a lingerie bag. You can see that
it has a few areas that washed out
but is still intact and quite vibrant.
I use these wipes for so many different things in my studio...
anything from general clean up to
the main element of a mixed media fiber piece!
This is a close up of the hand dyed cheese cloth on the left hand side.
I don't usually do hand stitching but this piece insisted on it.
I found that I really liked it too...
kinda like a kitty "making bread", the stitching is a calming, stress free activity for me.
I'm sure I'll be adding more to my work.
Here is the small mixed media heart on the lower right hand side.
It is gilded with a gold pen.
Behind it is a piece of the paper fabric that I made
with the word "believe" adhered to it.
The fabric behind that was sent to me
from Pokey Bolten.
I won a blog give away and have
been hoarding the fabric
for just the right project.
This happened to be one of the
"perfect projects".
Thanks Pokey!

This is a vintage doily that we rusted and I
did some hand beading on.
And yes, I sewed a bead at each little
intersection of the doily.
From a distance, it looks like there is
just some type of shimmer...
but when you get closer,
you are rewarded with
a slew of teeny tiny seed beads!