Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Completed book project!

Do any of you have WIP that you've had sitting around for a longggg time?

Boy I sure do.

I had this book project, one that I just adored, just sitting there, waiting to be finished.
I guess it was last year
(wow, where does time go?!)
that I traveled to Alabama
to take a workshop (or two) from DJ Pettitt.
A book making/painting class.
I also took one with DJ and Deryn Mentock but
today I'm just talking about the book making class.
I started it in class but put it down when I got home.
I wasn't even going to finish it...
because the painting on the front was from a sketch that DJ had done.
I wanted the entire book to be "mine"...my artwork.
And , in my own defense, it is my painting but...

you know what I mean...

I later changed my mind.

(imagine that)

I realized that I had put a lot of effort, time and money into the cover.

(this long story is getting longer, isn't it?)

I'll stop there and just show you the book,
how about that?

The cover is completely water proof...

very durable...

you can sew on it, paint on it...

wonderfully soft and flexible too.

All those beautiful carved beads on the spine...along with a vintage doily that my grandmother made (and I dyed!).

I have sewn five thick and yummy signatures into the book.

Lots of textured pages...

with lace, old linens and my grandmothers fabric left overs.

I've included signature wraps with collage work from my paintings, as well as a couple of DJ's post cards.

A little bit of reverse applique as well...

So, there you have it.

One more WIP off my worktable (and my list).

What next?!


Mary said...

Carol this is gorgeous!! It will be so much fun to work in I am sure.

love the beads you used too.

Joanne Huffman said...

I have such good memories of that workshop! Your book is beautiful.

Patsy Thompson said...

That book is fabulous! I sure hope I get to see it in person some day!

Anonymous said...

Carol...I dare say, this is the best thing I have seen all day....it just gets my creative juices flowing...you know what I mean..?

and yes...it looks like you were right on the mark when you said, "it seems like we have a lot in common"..and I am so happy to have met you!

ciao bella!

Creative Carmelina

suziqu's thread works said...

This journal is just fabulous - Would love to see more of it. You really have heaps of talent for this. Brilliant!