It's amazing how liberating it is to post your most personal art work.
I have posted paintings that I have done...
ones that I felt were FAR below The Mark.
Way below The Mark...
but you know what?
These paintings show that I am trying...
I am Doing The Work.
I am Practicing...
I am working towards My Goal. that same vein, I thought
I'd really step out there
and share some more...
My sketch book.
Anyone who knows me (loves me...).
knows that there are a couple of things that I hardly ever travel without -
my sketch book and a small bag of knitting.
My theory is that
1. You never know when The Muse or Inspiration will hit - You HAVE to have your sketch book or some paper to catch a few frantic marks to decipher later.
2. You never know when you're going to get stuck in traffic(or the doctor office).
I HAVE to have Something to keep me busy.
You don't subscribe to them?! No WAY!
You HAVE to!
If you're reading my blog,
and you like the kinds of things that I do then
to both of these magazines!
Back to The Post.
So, I decided that if I felt so much better after posting these paintings,
imagine how awesome I would feel
after posting a few pages from my beloved Sketch Book.
So I decided to give it a try.
Here are a few random pages...different subjects...
they range from bunnies to tassels to rubber stamp houses to faces...
and a little in between.

This book is wonderful!
I have checked it out from the local library
at least 5 times...
I need to buy it actually...
perhaps I'll tell Santa about it.

I was practicing my name
Another Must Have book.
And I do Have that one!

This is a design for a purse tassel that I sketched up.
in Hendersonville NC on Dec. 13 of this year.
Click on the above link for info about it.
It's a great class that is from 10:00 am -3:00pm. Based on your sewing skills, you could leave with a purse on your arm!
I'll be sharing quick and easy quilting tips and I promise we will be having FUN!
This is a great gift idea for Christmas too!
Or a quick, really nice gift for your self!
Call the shop at 828/692-8870 to register and
get your supply list.
Do it TODAY!

This is Bunny...a tale for another day.

I saw a rubber stamp with a house similar to this...can't remember the designer though. If you know, let me know and I'll post the name.

A quick sketch of a face.
Practice, practice, practice!

Hey, it's those Bunnies again...same Bunny, same story...
Another day, another tale.

This is a double spread from sketches I made...
either from memory or some book on cartooning from the Local Library.
I really have to jot down book titles and authors.
I try to give credit at every chance I can
but this is once that I failed to write down all the pertinant info.

Another double page spread.
Same story, some I made up, some I copied from books.
I tend to do much better when I have something to look at.
My son (who is an awesome cartoon artist) does better drawing from his imagination.
We envy each other...
but respect the others talent more than envy.
This last page is from a book that was about character development in animation.
I'll try to get names and titles..
I REALLY am sorry not to have them.
Ok...that's enough "sharing" for me for one night.
Hope that you enjoy my humble offerings as much as I enjoyed sketching them.