Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cleaning up Your Art Making Equipment...

This evening I was sewing away, making my sketchbook for the "Sketchbook Challenge"
(yeah, I finally made my mind up on which one to use - a new one!)  when I broke a needle.


Put in a new one.

Change to a heavier thread (I'm trying to be breve with thread this year!) (I was trying an embroidery thread) when I broke another needle.


Change the needle, try a different type this time.

Noticed that my stitch wasn't "right".

Re thread, try again.

It still didn't look quite right so I thought I'd take a look under my throat plate...

Now, my sweetie keeps my machine clean for me - he does a great job too
but I've been so busy the past few months making books that I've been a little slack in asking him to clean it for me.

I've been sewing paper, upholstery fabric, heavy coated fabric, get the picture.

So I looked under the plate and


Dust, paper dust, fabric dust, dust bunnies and their extended families!

I called my handy man in to help me.

I told him that I had been sewing paper.
And heavy upholstery fabric.
And coated fabric.

I'm standing there watching him clean my dirty, dirty machine and I saw this whitish, particle stuff around the bobbin case.

I asked "Eww. What is that?"

Sweetie "I don't know baby. It looks like plastic."

Silence for about 10 seconds.

Me "Well, I have been sewing plastic too."


The moral of this story is that if you sew all those things on your sewing machine
you really should clean it REGULARLY.


(Addendum - after the extensive cleaning she is sewing great!)

1 comment:

Joanne Huffman said...

When I took my sewing machine into the quilt shop to be cleaned, they shook their heads in amazement. But I love sewing on varied substances.