She owns Random Arts in Saluda NC. If you are a mixed media artist, fiber artist, any kind of artist...you HAVE to go there. She has THE most wonderful and charming shop around.
Seriously, Jane carries products there that you can't get anywhere else around here. And if you want something that she doesn't have, most times all you have to do is ask and she will try to get them for you.
How cool is that?
Anyway, Jane has these neat little packs "Sweat Treats". They are ATC packs that have everything that you need to make several ATC's from one pack. She ask me to take a couple of packs and see what I could do with them. Oh, also a handful of trinkets, ribbons and a paper mache house.
Wow! What an great deal for me!
I painted, stained, drew, ironed, outlined, cut, shaped, glued, sanded...well you get the picture.
I ended up with a handful of ATC's, a rusty house and a quiltlet. The picture above is the quiltlet "Play".
See the bee on the flower? That's a real bee! My husband found it in the house and thought it would be a good addition. It looks so cool!
I'll try to add another post later with the house and other ATC's.
Right now, I'm finishing up packing and heading out the door to Concord NC. Going to the Inspired Artist Retreat. Four days of learning, teaching and having fun with like minded people.
I hope that you all have an inspired weekend!
i love your new artwork carol! i've heard martha talk about how fabulous jane's shop is...one of these days i'm going to have to drive up there and check it out! have a great time playing with donna downey and all of the other inspired artists!! :)
Oh wow, FAB-U-Lous!!!
Loverly. Have a great time.
Hi, Carol! Wonderful to meet you!
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