Last year I went to this retreat in Blowing Rock NC. It is a small retreat, only 50 creative souls allowed, that caters to my kind of tribe members.
It was the first such venue that I had gone to and was totally blown away. I found 50 other people, all in one place, that were just like me! well, close anyway! My husband was shuddering over that little comment...lol...
You should check it out here.
Here are some pictures from last year...look at that awesome project! The first years project was/is being shown in a special article in one of the popular mixed media art magazines..I'll post a link when it comes out. And I am sure that every year after that will eventually find it's way into the same type of publication.
Kristi Steiner and Susan Edmondson are the brain children of Believe. I totally love these creative women!
Click on the links, check out their art work and
go here.
Sign up - there is only about 10 spots left! This could be the year that you join our tribe.
Then you'll be like me, signing up year after year to go back and spend 3 awesome days in the mountains of Western NC, surrounded by God's country, good food, fine wine and Your Creative Tribe.
Hi Carol, I'm going this year!
oh, boy....this looks like so much fun! and i'll bet it's absolutely gorgeous there in september!!
and.....in a world of sweet peas, you are the very sweetest pea of them all carol!! i received my little rusty heart-in-hand today! what a fabulous surprise....can i just tell you that you have absolutely made my entire week?!!! thank you SO much!!! i hope you can feel this big hug i'm sending you right now....it's a really BIG bear hug!!
Hi Carol!!
SO glad you are taking my class!!! Yipp--ee AND...I think I want to consider go to the Belive in Yourself Retreat--It looks great! I will talk to DH tonight.
Most wonderful Carol, thanks so much for your glowing words about our Believe Retreat. If there is a leader of the Art Pack Tribe...it is you, girl. Your enthusiasm and your endless talent cause great glittery twinkles where ever you go. You add so much to our weekend of creative play with your presence. Can't wait until September. with "rusty" hugs, Kristi
Hey Carol,
Thank you so much for the kind words about Believe! We love you! You are so very talented & I love to share my artistic skills to see what new sparks you will have. Art is all about sharing & I think that is why I love to teach others. I can't wait to see you again! Blowing Rock is truly a magical place for me & I hope for everyone there! And yes, my husband rolls his eyes too even after 32 years! You would think he would eventually understand me, but he wonders when my head is going to pop & all the little prizes fall out!
love you bunches! Susan Edmonson
After hearing y'all gush and giggle Saturday at your class about what a F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S experience it was to attend the Believe retreat I had to sign up! Sent my $$$ in Monday :) Thrilled and delighted {squeal} that I'm going to be a part of the "tribe" this year. Thanks for such a F-U-N class on Saturday Carol.
~Sally Casper
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