I have always practiced a variety of art techniques...love fiber, love paper, love paint, love fabric, love pens, watercolors...
you get the picture.
I wanted to be able to have ONE THING, one item, one object of art to use all the different techniques on.
I could make a wall hanging and use a lot of techniques...
but I couldn't really carry it around with me, adding to it - could I?
I could write on it but not really use it to journal on, could I?
I tried a lot of different things in my art life.
I think I have finally found the ONE THING
that I can carry around with me (to work on, or look at),
that I can easily teach others (because I adore sharing the joy that creating art brings),
that I can use just about every and any art technique that I know in it -
I have always loved books - especially hand made books.
Love the texture, the layers - the pure joy of the maker that is obvious in the feel of the book itself.
I love DJ Pettitt's books.
Oh my.
Love.Love. Love.
I have stalked her, um I mean followed her blog, her changing web site for awhile now...
That is one talented lady.
In two days (yikes!) just TWO MORE DAYS I am going to be sitting
in a classroom with a few other lucky women.
I'm going to be watching DJ create some magic with fabric, paper, paint and thread.
Oh look! I just mentioned all my favorite things, didn't I?
My new most favorite thing!
Book Making.
Mixed Media Books.
I started taking classes from Sue Bleiweiss and love it!
I'll share a couple of pictures of what I've been up to (besides a studio re-do!) (more on this later) with paper, fabric, paint and thread.
The book signature with the painted faces on it?
Those images were painted by DJ.
She sent them to me as extra little treats when I ordered some stuff from her.
And this weekend?
I'm in Birmingham Alabama with one of the most talented women that I know of.
Go ahead, admit it...
you're just a teeny bit jealous, aren't you?
If you are - contact this lady -
join me in begging to get DJ a little closer to the east coast -
like in Saluda North Carolina.
I know there must be at least 200 of you out there
that would love to take some classes with DJ Pettitt.
ROFL You are so funny. See you in a couple days!
Well, you know I AM jealous but for now I will have to live vicariously through you. Ok--you just better tell me what acrylic washes on fabric are! Ya hear!!!??
Ok--you have a fabulous time and soak it all in. I want a full report... with details.
I recognized that DJ painting right off. I love her artwork and am quite jealous. Have fun as I am sure you will.
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