Thursday, December 30, 2010
Texture, Wine and Other Studio Work
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sketchbook Challenge Give Away!

Saturday, December 25, 2010
White Christmas
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
MMA Team Treasury!
It has been chosen for a Mixed Media Art team treasury.
Run over and have a peek at the other verrrry interesting items that our "Mixed Media Art Team" has listed on Etsy!
Hope that all of you are staying warm (it's rather cold here in upstate SC) and being creative
on this 21st day of December...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Fiber Freaks
What a great time we had!
I'll direct you to Mary Stori's blog for pics and details since I can't seem to manage my time well enough to carve out a few extra minutes to do all of that...
Wonderful food, great company and awesome fiber work.
I can't encourage you enough to spend time with like minded people.
If you don't have a group close to you then find one - or better yet,
Create One!
It is always so inspiring to spend time with other artists - and it doesn't really matter if they create the same type of art as you...
it's that creative personality.
I hang out with a bunch of potters, sculptors, painters and fiber freaks...
and I love them all!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Sketchbook Pages
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The rest of the story
Monday, December 13, 2010
Holiday Animals
Saturday, December 11, 2010
"Lonely Tree"
I have gone back and added an edit to this post.
I originally did not add the meaning behind this painting.
I decided to just put it out there with the painting as it is the reason for it.
This fall, my mother in law passed away.
I watched my father in law those days after she died.
I spent a lot of time gazing out the back window at their house, looking across the open field...
lost in thought.
As I looked out that window, I could see a line of trees.
One of them was bent in the wind a little,
much like my father in law was - bent in the weight of his wife's death.
I started drawing the tree in my sketchbook at first.
I was obsessed with the shape, with the meaning I had attached to that tree.
The only way that I could get it out of my head was to give in to it and paint it.
And it really helped me to work through the grief of my friends passing.
Jenny Doh can you hear that?
Art DOES save.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Flickr Photos
I carry it in my pocket or purse in case I have a minute to draw or if I'm hit with inspiration for something.
I have to write things down or do a quick sketch or I'll forget it by the time I get home.
Who am I fooling ...?
I'll forget it by the time I take two steps!
My number one tip for becoming more inspired?
Do something creative every day!
Whether its drawing, painting, sewing, crafting, sculpting, or simply shuffling through colorful paint chips -
do something to get your creative juices flowing.
If you do something like this everyday, it will soon become a habit.
And you can't lose when your habit is creativity.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Sketchbook Challenge
A new blog, a new challenge each month, a new artist each month...
I've been invited to join several other artists (16, I think) in "The Sketchbook Challenge" beginning Jan.1, 2011.
We're going to be talking about our sketchbooks, how we do what we do, what tools we use, why we use them, tips for inspiration, techniques for pages...
all sorts of great information!
Each month a different artist will give a new theme for the month.
As the month goes along, all the artists will upload photos of their personal sketchbooks to show how we interpret the theme, what tools we used, maybe how we came up with our artwork...
you know - all those little bits of info that we all wish we had the inside scoop on!
We would all love it if you would play along with us.
Go here and sign up to follow the blog.
Beginning 1-1-2011, we will all find out about the theme of the month.
We're going to have tutorials through the month.
We have new sponsors joining up with us, all ready for great give aways -
Just For You!
I am super excited about this opportunity to share my sketchbook secrets with you.
And wait until you see the other artists that have signed on to share their secrets as well!
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Green Fan (Girl of Toledo Spain)
Ah, this is where the photo of the front of the book went!
I have changed the template of my blog and am still learning how to work in it,
just when I had gotten so used to the previous template.
repeat -
change is good...
change is good...
On the inside of the book cover, I placed an old doily that I made.
It really coordinated well with all the other fabrics so I donated it to the cause.
A scrappy "signature wrap" (I learned this from DJ Pettitt) snuggles all the pages of the book together.
And I just love the back cover of this book!
I've used a combo of several acrylic mediums to create a leather like substance. I then used a mix of water and acrylic mediums to color it.
A series of paint, dry.
Paint, dry.
Repeat until your OCD is soothed...
Or you get distracted by sanding it...
And there you have it, another cool book!
I hope that I can take these books with me to Asheville tomorrow - well, what I really meant to say was that I hope I get to go to Asheville (NC) tomorrow for the monthly Fiber Art Alliance meeting.
The schools are closed there today - snow, black ice - you know that sort of nasty winter weather.
If I get to go tomorrow - I will carry the new books to show and tell. I'm sure that my fiber and book lovin' peeps will like them!
Say creative my friends.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The "Black and White with a Touch of Red" Book
I am learning so many things about
I think that everyone should work on the same type of project for a length of time to fully flesh out your ideas and allow the project to have its way with you.
If you're like me, the more
Some of my best work is the result of a really "great idea"...!
The moral of that story is to do enough work that you mess up a lot.
This is the only way to grow in creating artwork - no matter what the medium is.
You MUST get in the studio and play!
![]() |
This is the book that is patiently wating for its pages. I'm painting a group of them just for this little book. |
A neighbor gave me some leather scraps that he had and I'm using one of them as the cover base.
I'll use this book as a sample in one of my upcoming book making classes.
Don't you love the glass bead/button that a friend of mine gave me?
It's the perfect embellishment for the poppy drawing on the cover -
it repeats the circular shape and the lines on the inside of a couple of them.
You just have to keep looking through your stash of things (and other folks stash!) until you find the "perfect thing" that will elevate your artwork. You don't want to rush through it , adding embellishments or marks that distract from it instead of adding to it.
Learn to give your work time to evolve - it may take a while but it's really worth.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Rainy Day
My husband tells me that it is cold outside as well...
I wouldn't personally know since I haven't stepped outside the house today.
I've been inside, in the studio.
Busy as a bee.
Working on wayyy too many things at once.
Here is a sampling...

Oh, two books.
I am working on a black/white and a touch of red book.
And "The Green Fan (Girl from Toledo, Spain) (Robert Henri 1912) book.
Jeesh - that's not the name of the book,
just the painting (printed on fabric) that I put on the cover.

It's one of my favorite paintings.
It is on display at Gibbs Art Museum in one of my favorite cities - Charleston SC.
The museum owns the painting so it's on permanent display there.
It is just breath taking.
So if you're planning a visit to historic Charleston,
head over to the Gibbs.
You won't regret it.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Studio Time
doing what my friend Laura said to do ("Now, go make something.").
I've been merrily making books,
sometimes working on three or four at the same time.
I do that a on several things at a time.
My photos loaded backwards to what I thought they would.
Imagine that.
my illustrations (inside and out) and the words
"To Thine Own Self Be True"
I added a row of beads down the spine on this one
as well as a beaded trim on the front cover.
I love the blue beads.
When I added the word "fight",
I was thinking about how we have to fight everyday to protect who we are.
How we have to fight for our personal freedom.
How we have to fight to BE.
To Be Who We Are.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Studio Time
Friday, November 19, 2010
but took a break yesterday evening to do a little drawing.

Especially "The Birth of Venus".
Hopefully, I'll get a bit of free time today
to begin painting my interpretation of the goddess Venus.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Local Artist Community

But this could be the local artists!
I am making a true effort to get out of my (self-imposed) little cocoon
at my home studio and get to know the artists that live in the upstate of SC.
Greenville has quite a few really talented artists
that are a lot of fun to hang out with as well.
We share inspiration, ideas and sweet lunch spots too.
If you're like me and tend to create your artwork in solitude,
you should make a point of getting out a little.
The weather here is cooling off a bit (low to mid 60's)
and it's perfect to sit outside a cafe while you sip on a cup of coffee or tea...
and talk art, inspiration and techniques with your art buddies.
It's another great way to support the local art scene -
by making friends and getting to know each other.
Friday, November 12, 2010
A Stellar Day
Thursday, November 11, 2010
New Books, new class
I started three smaller covers last night
and, in a flurry of inspiration, I made five signatures as well.
I'm working on a new book making class - one that can be made in one day.
Easy peasy.
These are in the process of drying.
Sewing on fabric, paper and acrylic mediums.

I love mixing this and that and making it into a cohesive piece of art.
I just love creating things, don't you?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Completed book project!
Boy I sure do.
I had this book project, one that I just adored, just sitting there, waiting to be finished.
I guess it was last year
(wow, where does time go?!)
that I traveled to Alabama
to take a workshop (or two) from DJ Pettitt.
A book making/painting class.
I also took one with DJ and Deryn Mentock but
today I'm just talking about the book making class.
I started it in class but put it down when I got home.
I wasn't even going to finish it...
because the painting on the front was from a sketch that DJ had done.
I wanted the entire book to be "mine" artwork.
And , in my own defense, it is my painting but...
you know what I mean...
I later changed my mind.
(imagine that)
I realized that I had put a lot of effort, time and money into the cover.
(this long story is getting longer, isn't it?)
I'll stop there and just show you the book,
how about that?
The cover is completely water proof...
very durable...
you can sew on it, paint on it...
wonderfully soft and flexible too.
All those beautiful carved beads on the spine...along with a vintage doily that my grandmother made (and I dyed!).
I have sewn five thick and yummy signatures into the book.
Lots of textured pages...
with lace, old linens and my grandmothers fabric left overs.
I've included signature wraps with collage work from my paintings, as well as a couple of DJ's post cards.
A little bit of reverse applique as well...
One more WIP off my worktable (and my list).
What next?!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Studio Table
and noticed that I keep a couple of things on it that I have artwork planned for -
I just can't seem to get to it.
When I have the time - I have no energy.
When I have the energy, I have no time...
Do any of you ever find this to be your problem as well?
Here's one -
Look at the right of the walnut shell.
It's a tiny vial (measures about an inch tall)
that's full of even smaller bones.
I retrieved them from an owl pellet
that a friend of mine from South Dakota (hey Judy!) sent me.
I love that little vial of bones.

Sand from "My beloved river".
Stored in a cup found at that same river - back when the drought was so bad around here
and Indian artifacts could be found in abundance.
So - there are a couple of photos of favorite things on my studio table.
What are your favorite things?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Painted Lady
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Our Lady of Guadalupe
I was very tired...
I had to take a break from drawing, painting and
making "completed" artwork.
Oh, I still did some doodling in my sketchbook
but nothing other than quick little reminders to myself
of things I might go back to later.
When I went to Colorado Springs for the "Textile Evolution" art retreat,
my friend Liz gave me a cool book mark.
It was for the "Guadalupe Festival" in Phoenix, AZ (from 2009).
It was the image on the front that had drawn her attention (and mine),
not so much the festival info itself.
I've had the book mark in my studio,
in a spot that I can see it every time that I work at the studio table.
She has been calling me...
So instead of doing housework, writing class proposals,
sending out artwork or any of the 18 other things that were on my "to do list",
I started painting.
I've asked my friend Sharon Tomlinson (check out her classes!)
to critique my work for me as I go.
Here's what I have so far.
I did have to adjust her eyelids.
I also moved her eyebrows down (they were just too high)
and lower her chin (also too high).
All in all I think that she is coming along.
Not an exact copy (which I wasn't trying to do) but coming along.
In the past, I have just made up faces to draw or paint (usually)
but I am enjoying having a reference image.
It can make things a lot easier.
This is a mixed media painting.
I've used acrylics, watersoluble wax pastels (Caran D'Ache Neocolor 2),
a tad of watercolor and graphite.
I'm painting on a 5" x 7" canvas panel that has a layer of molding paste
and a sheer fabric overlay.
I'll try to remember to scan it and post my progress as I go.
We're getting rain here in South Carolina.
And we're very thankful for it!