Fiber On A Whim , an awesome mom-daughter shop in Atlanta, has a project going on for the Atlanta Breast Cancer/It's A Journey group. Rather than try to explain it in my own words, I'll just copy what they had on Fiber On A Whim Blog. Can I do that? Oh well, those of you that know me, know that I'm going to do it anyway and deal with the fall out later... It's all for a good cause though!
Brazenly Radiant Art (BRA)
You can make a difference!!
Fiber on a Whim has decided to take the Atlanta Breast Cancer Challenge put forth by It's the Journey, Inc. Simply make a 5 x 7” piece of art using whatever medium you wish and donate it to Brazenly Radiant Art (BRA) sponsored by Fiber on a Whim for It’s the Journey, Inc! It’s the Journey, Inc is a non-profit organization located in Atlanta, GA. They support local research, awareness, and support of breast cancer. FOAW will start collecting all donated artwork immediately. Please make sure it is some of your best. Your donation will be put up for online sale as early as June 15, 2008. The artwork will be available for purchase for a $40 donation to It’s the Journey, Inc. For more information on It’s the Journey, Inc. please visit:
Also feel free to join our yahoo group: BrazenlyRadiantArt_BRA
You can make a difference!!
Fiber on a Whim has decided to take the Atlanta Breast Cancer Challenge put forth by It's the Journey, Inc. Simply make a 5 x 7” piece of art using whatever medium you wish and donate it to Brazenly Radiant Art (BRA) sponsored by Fiber on a Whim for It’s the Journey, Inc! It’s the Journey, Inc is a non-profit organization located in Atlanta, GA. They support local research, awareness, and support of breast cancer. FOAW will start collecting all donated artwork immediately. Please make sure it is some of your best. Your donation will be put up for online sale as early as June 15, 2008. The artwork will be available for purchase for a $40 donation to It’s the Journey, Inc. For more information on It’s the Journey, Inc. please visit:
Also feel free to join our yahoo group: BrazenlyRadiantArt_BRA
So, I decided that since I LOVE FOAW (I'm tired of typing the shop name!) and my life has been affected by breast cancer (my grandmother and my husbands mother) I wanted to participate.
I have been working on a couple of different things and because I expect so darn much of myself, it's taking me a while. I need to get over the "it needs to be perfect or at least just right" syndrome cause it's wearing me out/slowing down my creativity/too stressful...anyway, I'll post a couple of pictures of ideas or potential pieces.

If you'll notice , I used the same background fabric in both pieces but they look different. You can't really see it well, but the one with the fiber on it has a thin tulle or netting over it. I plan on going back today and burning some of it off to peak at the fabric underneath. We'll see how it looks. Nothing like a good science class type sewing experience I always say!
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